Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe

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Torras i Bages, Josep

  • Catalan
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    Torras i Bages, Josep
    Torras i Bages, Josep

    Torras (Les Cabanyes, Alt Penedès 1846 – Vic 1916) was ordained a priest in 1871, having previously obtained a doctorate in law in Barcelona. In 1876 he was awarded a doctor’s degree in theology at the seminary in Valencia. He was a member of a circle of intellectual clergymen with considerable ecclesiastical influence; from 1880 onwards he published in Catalan and contributed to the religious press, particularly to the journal La Veu del Montserrat. This culminated in La tradició catalana (1892), an anti-secularist response to Valentí Almirall’s Lo Catalanisme. El clero en la vida social moderna (1888) attempted to formulate the role of clerics and of the Church in the social changes of the day.

    Torras became the leading Church representative in Catalan literary circles; he was asked to help in drafting the autonomist Principles of Manresa (1892) and to advise the Unió Catalanista on publishing religious books in Catalan. He was actively involved in the Floral Games, at which he presided in 1899.

    His nomination as bishop of Vic (1899) put an end to his intellectual and religious work in Barcelona. He continued however to assert his literary and social anti-modernism, vindicating the role of the Church as an agent of cohesion in society at large and in Catalan society in particular. Among his frequent amicable contacts were men like Antoni Gaudí and even the modernist poet Joan Maragall.

    Word Count: 222

    Article version
  • Arroyo, António; Josep Torras i Bages (Barcelona: Infiesta, 2004).

    Benet, Josep; El doctor Torras i Bages en el marc del seu temps (Barcelona: Estela, 1968).

    Gabernet, Joan; Josep Torras i Bages: Bisbe de Catalunya (Barcelona: Abadia de Montserrat, 1987).

    Massot i Muntaner, Josep; “Precisions al tradicionalisme de Torras i Bages”, in Cassany, Enric (ed.); Panorama crític de la literatura catalana segle XIX (Barcelona: Vicenç Vives, 2009).4:

    Ramisa i Verdaguer, Maties; Els orígens del catalanisme conservador i «La veu del Montserrat»: 1878-1900 (Vic: Eumo, 1985).

    Solà i Moreta, Fortià; Biografia de Josep Torras i Bages (2nd ed.; Barcelona: Abadia de Montserrat, 1993).

    Torras i Bages, Josep; Epistolari (ed. J. Medina; Barcelona: Abadia de Montserrat, 1994).

    Valentí i Fiol, Eduard; El programa antimodernista de Torras i Bages (Barcelona: Real academia de buenas letras, 1972).

    Valentí i Fiol, Eduard; “El tradicionalisme nacional i literari de Josep Torras i Bages”, in Cassany, Enric (ed.); Panorama crític de la literatura catalana segle XIX (Barcelona: Vicenç Vives, 2009).4:

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    All articles in the Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe edited by Joep Leerssen are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://www.spinnet.eu.

    © the author and SPIN. Cite as follows (or as adapted to your stylesheet of choice): Vilardell, Laura, 2022. "Torras i Bages, Josep", Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe, ed. Joep Leerssen (electronic version; Amsterdam: Study Platform on Interlocking Nationalisms, https://ernie.uva.nl/), article version, last changed 26-04-2022, consulted 27-04-2024.